Sunday, November 22, 2009

movie trip..

nov 22,2009

last time i watched movie with my bestfriend JOYDEE.,
we watched the echo..
we really enjoyed it.supposedly we want to watch sorority row..

today me and my bestfriend APPLE watched
2 movies..
we arrive at the cinema at exactly 11:05,
at 11:10 2012 will start..
we bought 2 tickets..
2012 and for new moon..
we watched 2012 and its really an nice movie...
we really need to repent..
we need to ask for foregiveness from GOD..
i love the line there..
i forgot the exact words but i think its like
when we stop fighting for others thats the time we lost our humanity..
something like that..
and when an old lady said we need to save others because we are all the child of GOD..
it gives me goosebump..
watching that movie..
thinking what will happened if that day comes..
so as early as now
we need to do what is right and be ready anytime..
because only GOD knows when is the real end~
2012 finished at exactly 1:30 and its the time
where new moon will start we hurriedly went to the first cinema to watch new moon
i miss edward and bella..
edward was really hot as ever:)
jacob was really cool and cute..
but i feel sorry for him because whatever happened bella still loves edward..
but jacob was really a gentleman:)
but edward was really the man..
alice was really cute and jasper too when he was to greet bella
he said..
"happy...oh never mind"
and bella was really affected when edward leaves him..
edward was really her life..

ps.and i find it funny when alice and jacob met each other
and alice called jacob a dog,,

afte that we ate at KFC..
then we ate ice cream,,

i love this day..


apple said...

2012 really give me a goosebump..
so many people died on this story .
Don't waste ur time of doing stupid things.. Treasure ur life ur love ones ur family ur friends everyone that special in ur life.. Who knows, One day u won't have a chance to right ur mistake to ask of forgiveness ...
This movie was really amazing

apple said...

and the new moon??
I love jacob ..
edward is good but I love jacob more~
but sad ..
bella wants edward..
don't worry jacob u have me ..
hahha lol
hmm KFC and Ice cream ..
*yum YUm*
I enjoy watching movies together
with my bestfriend :)